GOSHEN Utah Real Estate

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4 Homes For Sale in GOSHEN Utah

270 N 100 W, Goshen UT 84633

270 N 100 W
Goshen UT 84633

  • 2275 Sq Ft

  • 3

  • 2


11448 W HIGHWAY 6, Goshen UT 84633

11448 W HIGHWAY 6
Goshen UT 84633

Life on the Farm!! This incredible Oasis is just Waiting for You! A TRUE FARM HOUSE With 360 Views!! Nestled on 48.4 Acres of fertile ground for however you cho...

  • 8580 Sq Ft

  • 9

  • 5

  • 3


55 E 200 S, Goshen UT 84633

55 E 200 S
Goshen UT 84633

Investor special. Remodel needed. Looking for the highest and best offer.

  • 1046 Sq Ft

  • 2

  • 1



170 S 140 W, Goshen UT 84633

170 S 140 W
Goshen UT 84633

Back on the Market!! Dont miss your chance to walk through this incredible house at nearly 5,300 sq ft. The sellers have dropped the price and they are offering...

  • 5284 Sq Ft

  • 6

  • 4

  • 3



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