I want to go over the pros and cons of hiring a home inspector when you're building or buying a brand new St George home. Over the years I've noticed a lot of Southern Utah buyers don't think they need to hire a home inspector when they're getting a new home and I personally think this is a big mistake. As far as pros there's a lot of pros, and I'm going to address them, about getting an inspector in there and I really don't think there's any cons.
So, let's start off and say if you're going to get a home inspection on your new construction there's two timeframes that you should get a inspection. Now, the first one is iffy, if you should or not, but it's during the framing stage before they put up the drywall. A lot of times an inspector will go out there, they'll look at everything and they'll make sure everything's done to code, everything looks good. If you know what you're looking at or your realtor knows what they're looking at that's usually good enough. But I don't think it's a bad idea and I personally would get an inspector out there if I was a home buyer. I've looked at a ton of homes so I don't really think at this point I need one but if you're not sure I would do that.
Now of course, at the end when they're all complete definitely get an inspector out there. Because let's look at it two ways. Let's say you spend whatever it is for an inspection, let's just say $300, $400 whatever it is, (fyi I personally for my clients home inspection) and the inspector goes out there and they find nothing wrong with the home. Great. That's a good thing. You have peace of mind. Everything is perfect. But let's say they go out there and they find a bunch of stuff wrong with the home or just several things wrong with the home and it happens because homes are being built over several months and there's literally thousands of moving parts. So the chances of a really good detailed inspector and that's the key not just any inspector but someone who knows what they're doing with new construction and who's very detailed. They go out there, they find some things wrong, you basically give it to the builder, the builder writes it down, and it's basically a punch list or a to do list.
So, a lot of times you'll go out and you'll just be thinking everything's good but keep in mind the builder, the person who's building the home, they're not jumping on the attic or the roof crawling through the attic looking in every single thing in the home like a really good inspector's going to do. And sometimes I hear buyers say, "Well the builders hiring their own inspector." And I'm sure they are and even though they work for the builder they're not there to mislead them they're generally just a third party. So they're looking but again I don't think they're going to be nearly as detailed as someone that you a home buyer will look at and hire for the inspector. My inspector, he's jumping on the roof, he's crawling through the attic, he's checking every electrical outlet, he's looking at everything on the home, frontwards, backwards, inside, outside, upside down, everything to make sure.
So, I would definitely hire an inspector if you're buying a brand new home in Southern Utah. And if you have any questions on new construction or if you're going to be moving to the St. George Utah, or Southern Utah area give me a call. Tell me a little bit about what you're looking for, where you're looking, your parameters, and I'll do my best to answer your questions if you're going to be moving here or if you're just thinking of moving here. And if you're in another area and you need help finding a real estate agent that really understands new homes and new constructions let me know. It won't cost you any money. I know tons of real estate agents all over the country so I hope this helps you and I hope you get a better understanding if you should hire an inspector or not.
I offer a free home inspection to any of my home buyers. Call me today to start your home buying process!
Here is a list of new construction homes for sales in Southern Utah
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