Relocating to utah

Are you considering relocating to Utah? This comprehensive blog covers the key factors you need to know about living in the Beehive State, from its great outdoors and thriving job market to its conservative politics and declining affordability. Get an insider's perspective on the Utah real estate landscape before making your move.

Utah's Great Outdoors

Utah's natural beauty is unmatched, offering a vast playground for outdoor enthusiasts.

State and National Parks

Utah boasts 43 state parks and five national parks, showcasing extraordinary landscapes.

  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Fishing
  • Hunting
  • Camping
  • Boating
  • Off-roading
  • Rock climbing

Community Parks

Utah's community parks are well-maintained and offer a plethora of activities.

  • Playgrounds
  • Jogging trails
  • Sports courts
  • Pavilions
  • Green spaces

Wildlife and Scenery

From majestic mountains to towering waterfalls, Utah's natural beauty is breathtaking.

The Greatest Snow on Earth

Utah is world-renowned for its exceptional snow, attracting winter sports enthusiasts globally.


Salt Lake City is one of the most accessible ski destinations, with 14 ski resorts nearby.

Winter Activities

Whether it's skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing, Utah offers a wealth of winter activities.

A Great Place to Raise a Family

Utah provides a safe and nurturing environment for families.


Many areas in Utah are safe, with children often seen playing outdoors unsupervised.

Family-Friendly Activities

Utah offers numerous family-oriented businesses, events, and activities.

  • Roller coasters
  • Water parks
  • Indoor playgrounds
  • Trampoline parks
  • Bowling alleys
  • Arcades

Low Drug and Alcohol Usage

Utah has one of the lowest rates of drug and alcohol use in the nation.


Utah ranks second lowest for drug use and has the fourth fewest adult drug users.

Teen Usage

The percentage of teen drug users in Utah is the second lowest in the nation.

Low Crime Rates

Utah is known for its low crime rates, making it one of the safer states in the U.S.

Violent Crime

Utah's violent crime rate is 2.8 per 1,000 people, below the national average.

Property Crime

Property crime in Utah is also low, at 19.7 per 1,000 people.

Amazing People

Utah's residents are known for their kindness and generosity.

Community Spirit

Utahns are among the most generous in the country, often helping neighbors and strangers alike.

Welcoming Neighbors

Newcomers to Utah are often welcomed with homemade treats and offers of assistance.

Support in Times of Need

The sense of community is strong, with neighbors rallying to support each other in times of tragedy.

The Land of Opportunity

Utah offers a thriving job market and a robust economy.


Salt Lake City leads the nation in job market growth, with low unemployment rates.

Economic Outlook

For 17 consecutive years, Utah has ranked first in economic outlook.

Quality of Life

Utah's policies promote financial freedom and a high quality of life.


Utah is also recognized for its excellent education system, ranking second best in the nation.

A Very Religious State

Utah is known for its strong religious presence, particularly among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS).

Mormon Influence

While it may seem like there's a church on every corner, LDS members make up about 40% of Utah's population.

Religious Adherence

Utah ranks as the number one state for religious adherence, with 76.1% of residents practicing a religion.

Diverse Beliefs

Despite the strong LDS presence, there is a diversity of religious beliefs and practices throughout the state.

Gun-Friendly Utah

Utah has a strong culture of gun ownership and firearm-related activities.

High Gun Ownership

About half of Utah adults have a firearm in their home, primarily for personal protection and hunting.

Open Carry Laws

It is legal to carry a firearm in public, and many residents have concealed weapons permits.

Safety Considerations

If you're not comfortable around guns, researching crime rates and gun-related deaths in Utah may provide some reassurance.

Bad Drivers

Driving in Utah can be a challenge due to the poor driving habits of many residents.

Driving Habits

Utah drivers are often slow and inconsiderate, making even short trips frustrating.

Lane Changes

Drivers are more likely to speed up than let you change lanes, adding to the stress of driving.


Car accidents are common, especially in bad weather, so always leave early to ensure you arrive on time.

Traffic Woes

Utah's growing population and harsh winters contribute to significant traffic issues.

Road Construction

The state struggles to keep up with infrastructure demands, leading to constant road construction.

Commute Times

Morning and evening commutes can be particularly slow and frustrating, especially around Salt Lake City.

Weather Impact

Winter weather exacerbates traffic problems, making travel even more challenging.

Lack of Professional Sports

Utah has limited professional sports teams, which can be disappointing for sports enthusiasts.

Current Teams

Utah is home to professional basketball and soccer teams.

Future Prospects

An MLB team is rumored to be coming soon, and Utah recently added its first NHL team.

Desire for More

Many residents would love to see an NFL team in Utah.

Bipolar Weather

Utah's weather is highly unpredictable, making it challenging to plan outdoor activities.

Temperature Extremes

Winters are frigid, while summers can reach scorching temperatures over 100°F.

Sudden Changes

Weather can change rapidly, with warm spring days in winter and extended ski seasons into summer.


Always be prepared for sudden weather changes when planning activities.

Feeling Trapped

Some newcomers to Utah may feel confined due to the long, cold winters.

Winter Blues

People from warmer climates may struggle with the extended winter season.

Indoor Activities

Finding ways to stay active and entertained indoors can help alleviate feelings of being trapped.

Seasonal Adjustment

Adjusting to the four distinct seasons can take time, but many find the variety refreshing.

Too Many Kids

Utah's high birth rate means you'll frequently encounter children wherever you go.

Public Spaces

Expect to see kids in parks, mountains, and other public areas often.

Restaurants and Gatherings

Kids can increase the noise level at gatherings, restaurants, and movies.

Everyday Life

While many love the family-friendly atmosphere, it can be overwhelming for some.

Cultural Differences

Utah's unique cultural norms can be a shock to newcomers.

Early Marriages

Young couples with multiple children are common in Utah.

Sunday Observance

Sundays can feel like a ghost town as many observe the Sabbath.

Behavioral Norms

Swearing and smoking are less common, affecting social interactions.

Lack of Nightlife

Utah's nightlife options are limited, which can be a drawback for some.

Few Nightclubs and Bars

There's a noticeable scarcity of nightclubs and bars in the state.

Celebrity Opinions

Even celebrities like Charles Barkley and Shaq have commented on Utah's lack of nightlife.

Entertainment Choices

If you enjoy partying, you might find Utah's nightlife options lacking.

Declining Affordability

Utah's cost of living has increased significantly in recent years.

Housing Costs

Buying a home has become much more expensive, even for townhomes.

Housing Shortage

A shortage of housing options contributes to rising prices.

Economic Attraction

Utah's strong economy attracts people, but this also drives up housing costs.

Lack of Diversity

Utah is not very diverse, both ethnically and religiously.

Ethnic Diversity

Utah has seen some increase in cultural diversity but remains largely homogeneous.

Religious Dominance

The LDS Church has a significant influence, affecting local culture and policies.

Church and State

Many feel there's little separation between church and state in Utah.

Conservative Politics

Utah's political climate is predominantly conservative.

Political Landscape

Recent data shows Democrats are greatly outnumbered by Republicans.

Social Adjustments

Liberals may find it challenging to adjust to Utah's conservative environment.

Respectful Dialogue

Respectful political discussions are possible, but differing views can be isolating.

Poor Air Quality

Utah struggles with some of the worst air quality in the nation.

Inversion Effect

Inversion traps polluted air in the valleys, particularly in winter.

Health Concerns

Poor air quality can exacerbate respiratory issues for residents.

Better Air Elsewhere

Consider living outside the valleys for better air quality.

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