Commerical Rates

Based on Redfin's latest housing market update, the share of price reductions from home sellers has increased to an 18-month high, while homes are taking longer to sell on average compared to last year. Additionally, pending home sales have fallen to at least a 3-year high for late-May. These metrics suggest softening home prices in the coming months, even as the US median sale price reached a new record high.

Home Sellers Cutting Asking Prices

Home sellers are increasingly cutting their asking prices, according to Redfin’s Housing Market Report. This trend suggests a potential softening in home price growth.

Recent Data Points

Redfin's data indicates that 6.4% of home sellers reduced their asking prices during the four weeks ending May 26. This is the highest percentage since November 2022.

Historical Comparisons

The current share of price reductions is significantly higher than in previous years. For instance, during the same period in 2021, only 2.1% of sellers cut their asking prices.

  • May 2021: 2.1%
  • May 2022: 4.4%
  • May 2023: 6.4%

Implications for Buyers

This increase in price reductions could present opportunities for home buyers. With more sellers adjusting their prices, buyers may find it easier to negotiate deals.

Analyzing Price Drop Trends

Understanding the trends behind these price drops can provide insight into the future of the housing market.

Seasonal Patterns

Historically, the share of price drops tends to peak during the winter months. However, the current trend shows a rise during the spring, which is unusual.

Current Market Dynamics

The recent increase in price drops can be attributed to various factors. High home prices are pricing out many potential buyers, leading sellers to adjust their expectations.

Future Projections

It will be interesting to observe how this trend evolves in the coming months. If the share of price reductions continues to rise, we may see a more significant shift in the housing market.

Key Takeaways

Monitoring these trends is crucial for both buyers and sellers. For buyers, it could mean more negotiating power. For sellers, understanding market dynamics can help in setting realistic price expectations.

  • High home prices impact buyer activity
  • Increased price reductions indicate market adjustments
  • Seasonal trends may shift due to current dynamics

Decreasing Median Asking Prices

The median asking price for homes has recently seen a notable decrease, pointing to a shift in the market.

Recent Changes

According to Redfin’s Housing Market Report, the median asking price dropped by $3,000 to $46,200 in the last week. This marks the first decrease in about six months.

Implications for Sellers

This decline suggests sellers may need to adjust their price expectations. It reflects a potential cooling in the market.

Increasing Days on Market

Homes are taking longer to sell, indicating a change in market dynamics.

Current Trends

The average days on market started to rise year-over-year in May, for the first time in about eight months.

Impact on Buyers and Sellers

This increase means buyers have more time to make decisions, while sellers might need to be more patient.

Lagging vs. Leading Housing Market Indicators

Understanding the difference between lagging and leading indicators is crucial for interpreting housing market trends.

Lagging Indicators

Lagging indicators reflect past market conditions. They are typically based on metrics related to closed home sales.

  • Days on market
  • Sale price to list price ratio
  • Median sale price

Leading Indicators

Leading indicators provide insights into future market trends. They include metrics that can predict upcoming market shifts.

  • Price drops
  • Inventory levels
  • New listings

Importance of Differentiation

Recognizing the difference between these indicators helps in making informed decisions. Lagging indicators show what has happened, while leading indicators suggest what might happen.

Mortgage Rate Trends and Impact

Mortgage rates significantly influence the housing market. Understanding their trends is essential for both buyers and sellers.

Current Mortgage Rates

As of May 29, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 7.34%. This is a notable increase from last year.

  • 30-year fixed: 7.34%
  • Jumbo loans: 7.5%
  • FHA/VA loans: 6.75%

Recent Changes

Recently, rates have shown some fluctuation. For instance, they dropped by 12 basis points to 7.17% on a recent Friday.

Impact on the Market

Higher mortgage rates can reduce buyer affordability, potentially leading to fewer home sales. Conversely, slight decreases in rates could stimulate buying activity.

Declining Mortgage Applications

Mortgage applications have seen a notable decline recently, reflecting broader trends in the housing market.

Weekly and Yearly Declines

According to recent data, the number of applications for home loans decreased by 1% from the previous week. Even more striking is the 10% year-over-year decline.

Lowest Levels in Months

Applications have dropped to their lowest levels since the end of February. This is particularly significant given that we are currently in the peak home-buying season.

  • 1% weekly decline
  • 10% yearly decline
  • Lowest since late February

Implications for the Market

Fewer mortgage applications suggest a cooling market. This trend could lead to slower home sales and potentially more price reductions.

Weakening Buyer Demand Signals

Buyer demand appears to be weakening, as evidenced by declining mortgage applications and other key indicators.

Impact of Mortgage Rates

High mortgage rates have made home buying less affordable. As rates hover around 7.34%, many potential buyers are priced out of the market.

Seasonal Trends and Expectations

Typically, the housing market peaks during this season. However, the current data suggests a deviation from this trend, possibly due to economic uncertainties.

  • High mortgage rates
  • Economic uncertainties
  • Deviating seasonal trends

Future Outlook

If buyer demand continues to weaken, the market may see increased inventory and more competitive pricing. This could provide opportunities for buyers who remain in the market.

Analyzing Home Price and Sales Metrics

The latest data from Redfin reveals significant trends in home prices and sales metrics, providing valuable insights into the housing market's current state.

Home Price Trends

Nationally, home sold prices have seen a notable increase, reaching nearly $391,000. This marks a 4.3% year-over-year rise and a new all-time record high.

Despite this, the average monthly housing payment has also increased by 7.3% year-over-year, reflecting the impact of rising mortgage rates.

Pending Home Sales

Pending home sales, which are a measure of contracts signed between buyers and sellers, have decreased by 3.4% year-over-year.

This decline indicates a slowdown in buyer activity, despite an increase in new listings by 7.8% over the same period.

Active Listings

Active listings have risen by 15.2%, reaching the highest level since December 2022. This increase in inventory suggests that more homes are available for sale, potentially easing some of the competitive pressure in the market.

Key Metrics Overview

  • Home sold prices: $391,000
  • Average monthly housing payment: +7.3% YoY
  • Pending home sales: -3.4% YoY
  • New listings: +7.8% YoY
  • Active listings: +15.2% YoY

Implications for Buyers and Sellers

For buyers, the increase in active listings provides more options, but higher prices and payments may limit affordability. Sellers, on the other hand, may need to adjust their expectations as the market shows signs of cooling.

Evaluating Regional Housing Market Trends

Regional trends often provide a more nuanced view of the housing market, highlighting areas of strength and weakness across different markets.

Top Performing Markets

Several metropolitan areas have seen significant increases in home prices, with Anaheim, California, leading the nation with a 19.3% rise. This is particularly notable given the high average home price in the area, which exceeds $1 million.

  • Anaheim, CA: +19.3%
  • Detroit, MI: +16%
  • Nassau County, NY: +12.5%
  • San Jose, CA: +12.4%
  • West Palm Beach, FL: +12.4%

Markets with Declining Prices

In contrast, some markets have experienced price declines, with Fort Worth, Texas, and San Antonio, Texas, seeing the most significant drops.

  • Fort Worth, TX: -0.4%
  • San Antonio, TX: -3%

Pending Home Sales by Region

Pending home sales have also varied significantly by region. Houston, Texas, saw the largest decline in pending sales, down by 15% year-over-year. Other areas with notable decreases include West Palm Beach, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Houston, TX: -15%
  • West Palm Beach, FL: -12%
  • Atlanta, GA: -10%
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL: -8%
  • Orlando, FL: -7%

Areas with Increasing Pending Sales

Conversely, some markets have seen increases in pending home sales, with San Jose, California, experiencing a nearly 14% rise. Other regions showing positive trends include San Francisco, California, and Columbus, Ohio.

  • San Jose, CA: +14%
  • San Francisco, CA: +10%
  • Columbus, OH: +8%
  • San Diego, CA: +7%
  • Anaheim, CA: +6%

New Listings Trends

New listings have increased the most in San Jose, California, followed by Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California. This trend suggests a growing supply of homes in these areas.

  • San Jose, CA: +20%
  • Phoenix, AZ: +18%
  • San Diego, CA: +15%
  • Oakland, CA: +12%
  • Montgomery County, PA: +10%

Declining New Listings

In contrast, some areas have seen a decline in new listings, with Chicago, Illinois, experiencing the most significant drop. This decline could indicate a tighter market in these regions.

  • Chicago, IL: -8%
  • Miami, FL: -7%
  • New York, NY: -6%
  • Los Angeles, CA: -5%
  • Boston, MA: -4%


Regional variations in housing market trends are significant and can greatly impact buyers and sellers. While some areas are experiencing strong price growth and increased listings, others are seeing declines in both metrics. Understanding these regional differences is crucial for making informed real estate decisions.

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