APPLE GROVE Homes For Sale

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View all recent homes for sale in the Apple Grove Development. Apple Grove is located in Brigham City, UT. The average home price in Apple Grove is $509,950.

To buy in the Apple Grove call 801-410-7917

2 Apple Grove Homes For Sale

350 N 600 W, Brigham City UT 84302

350 N 600 W
Brigham City UT 84302

This four bedroom large single family home has space for everyone to make their own. Theres charm in the stone inside and out of this ranch, and pops of wood th...

  • 2688 Sq Ft

  • 5

  • 3

  • 2


723 W 350 N, Brigham City UT 84302

723 W 350 N
Brigham City UT 84302

Just in time for the holidays! Imagine your tree in the vaulted ceiling great room with a Gift Card for you in the stocking hung over the gorgeous fireplace. Im...

  • 2794 Sq Ft

  • 4

  • 3

  • 3



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